Friday, April 13, 2012


yes i know i havent blogged in awhile and now a post dump.  errr that sounds wrong.  but im leaving it.  and now for your viewing enjoyment some shots of prince frankerton on his [my] royal pillow

claws of doom
look at those ears

but there are always more kitty pics...
can i get stuck in the window today?  or maybe you could just open it a leeetle more?
the sad sack that i woke up to one morning.  i guess he spent the whole night pouting in the bathroom after i threw him out for attacking my face as soon as i turned out the light

and you should watch this.  this completely embodies my time thus far with satan kitty.


  1. hahaha i love this. i need a pet. for real.

  2. hahaha i love this. i need a pet. for real.


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