Sunday, January 19, 2014

basement woes

so we had this polar vortex event.  maine was balls cold[er than usual] and we got over a foot [on top of another foot] of snow.  glorious.  except when i remember i have to shovel a driveway that is 3 cars wide and 2 cars long.  before work.  but anywho.  its been 40+ the past week and eeerything is flooding.  i live at the bottom of a hill, well away from the 100 year flood line at the river and the coast... but mini rivers traverse my basement pretty much every time it rains more than a drizzle.  [increase in floodage since 2 days ago not pictured]

thank god no one ever decided to finish the basement .. cos that would just be terrible and moldy.  i conquer the water by ... pouring vinegar and lysol around and mostly ignoring it.  the sump pump kicks on every 45 minutes while its raining... and i turned on the iiiity bitty exhaust fan to try and get some of the humidity out. 

in other news... yes i have a punching bag in my basement.  and i bought some supposedly water-resistant subfloor panels for underneath, and welp this will be the ultimate test. 

enter: pegboard ziptied to shelf!!

yessssss ocd organization!  i have one of these handy dandy garage-strength shelves in my bedroom as a ... faux dresser, and in an attempt to help my i-have-a-very-small-subcompact-mini-cooper-that-doesnt-transport-anything problem, my parents picked up the shelf and pegboard for me!
the shelf with some of my stuff organized on it.  badass tools include: impact drill/driver, circular saw, sawzall.  not pictured: dremel tool with drill-press stand. 

the other woe here.... is now that all my shit is organized it is more and more apparent that i need to rewire the basement so all the lights work and there is more than one grounded working outlet.  DAMNIT.  i also need a workbench that isnt the wobbly wee wheeled table pictured at the very bottom left.  i bought it for a grand total of $5 at salvation army with intentions of dismantling and reassembling without the wobble.  that has not occurred as of yet.

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